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Marie Munk, 1988, Denmark, based in the USA

Photo: Sofie Isaksson

In the flowing waters of the Svartån River, an enormous placenta can be seen. Among mammals – and thereby us humans as well – the placenta forms a vital connection between the mother and the foetus. Between the placenta and the unborn child is the umbilical cord, where oxygen and nutrients flow. Marie Munk sees the placenta as the cradle of life. The artwork actualizes the delicate border between being indispensable and then, after the child’s birth, becoming waste. The placenta also becomes a symbol for the common origins that unite all people. The artwork reminds us that, in the midst of our digital and high-tech existence, we remain humans of flesh and blood. Munk wants to arouse wonder – and contemplation.


Artist: Marie Munk

Number on the map: 26

Material: PVC coated nylon, acrylic paint, wind turbine

Location: The Svartån River, between S. Strandgatan and Frimurarholmen

The artwork's position on the map

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